The System That Amplifies Your Voice In 4 Weeks

Are you ready to find your voice and use your stories to reach the next level?

You currently have a business, a growing side hustle or a desire to share a message and create impact. As an entrepreneur, learning how to craft your voice into its own brand and share it with clarity and focus is one of the most powerful tools you can use, but it’s not always easy to do.

Especially when you feel like an imposter, don’t know what to share and have a smaller audience who are not as engaged as you’d like.

Make this the year you amplify your voice and make your personal brand magnetic.

Because I see you. You’re ready to or already showing up consistently and following all the rules.

But you don’t know how to “just share and be yourself” in a way that moves the needle in your business to attract the right audience and opportunities.


  • You get that personal storytelling in business is important but have no idea how much (or how little) to share and where to start.

  • You know you are holding back from showing up and are playing small.

  • Because you’re worried about putting yourself out there and being judged, mocked or misunderstood.

  • But ultimately, you know you have to get your personal brand out there and seen by the right audience for impact or income (or both!).

When done right, your personal brand.

can bring you GROWTH in the form of:






In Voice Amplifier, you’ll learn how to grow your influence and confidently share your story to attract business growth and opportunities without feeling overwhelmed or second guessing yourself…

even if you feel like an imposter or have a smaller audience.

I’ll teach you how to:

  • Get crystal clear about the message you’re here to share and how to do so strategically 

  • Attract press, opportunities, clients, partners, customers who want to support your work and message. 

  • Establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and start having your voice taken seriously 

  • Overcome imposter syndrome and step confidently into your spotlight, knowing your message holds value and deserves to be heard

  • Grow your community and audience base as people feel invested in your story, message and vision. 

  • Learn how to multiply your influence and reach to increase your impact and income

Does this sound like you?

👉🏼 You currently have a business, a growing side hustle or are wanting to intentionally build up your brand

👉🏼 You have incredible experiences, products, services, expertise or insight and know you have an important story to tell but struggle with where to start or to translate it in a way that amplifies your reach

👉🏼 You want to follow an easy-to-follow system that will teach you exactly how to grow your personal brand

👉🏼 You want credibility and authority so people can start reaching out to you with opportunities to increase your visibility

👉🏼 You second guess what marketing content will resonate and spend WAY too much time on it.

👉🏼 You’re sick of being told you don’t have enough followers, a large enough platform or a big enough influence to achieve your desired impact or income as you watch others in your industry move ahead

👉🏼 You’re tired of wasting time and money creating content that doesn't lead to the impact, result or opportunity you want

👉🏼 You’re up at night worrying about whether you’re ready, confident or worthy enough to come into your spotlight

👉🏼 You find yourself falling victim to imposter syndrome or fear-based thinking, “Why would anyone want to hear my message? Who am I to share?”

👉🏼 You aspire to create more impact, become a go-to expert, and have opportunities coming to you

Hey, I’m Janika.

And I get it, it can be disheartening to know you have an important message to share but are overlooked because you struggle to show up consistently because you don’t know what to share, don’t have a certain amount of followers or are hidden amongst the noisy world of content and competition. 

But it’s time to back yourself, your voice and the message you want to spread strategically, and I can help you come into the spotlight and share the story you were born to tell. 

And don’t say you don’t have a story to share! I’ll prove you wrong and help you not only uncover it, but feel empowered to share it. 

I’m a communications specialist turned published author, podcast host and speaker, and I can show you how to amplify your voice in just four weeks. 

After over a decade working in the storytelling industry, working with clients like Netflix and Microsoft to start-ups, government sectors and not-for-profits, I saw firsthand the power of storytelling, no matter the industry.

I strongly believe that the stories we tell shape our realities and that by taking control of them, we can shape how we and our message or businesses are perceived to attract the right audience and opportunities.

In other words, you can control your destiny through storytelling, so let me teach you how.

Find your voice, grow your influence and attract the right people in 4 simple steps

  • Step 1: Book a Clarity Call

    We begin our journey connecting in this free clarity call, where we discuss where you’re at with your story, your goals, your vision and the next steps to get your voice out there.

  • Step 2: We Build Your Story Strategy and Confidence

    Then we’ll dive deep to identify your story and the message you are called to share along with a framework to so authentically and confidently.

  • Step 3: We Boost Your Authority

    After we know what you want to say, we need to solidify your personal brand and enhance your authority and credibility.

  • Step 4: Amplify Your Voice With A Strategic Plan

    This is where we pull it all together and create an Amplifier Strategy to get your story out there, attracting the right audience, customers or opportunities.

Go from silenced and frustrated to clear and confident in 4 weeks

👉🏼 Get crystal clear about the message you’re here to share and how to start

👉🏼 Establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and start being taken seriously

👉🏼 Attract new opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships effortlessly, leveraging the power of your authentic voice

👉🏼 Overcome imposter syndrome and step confidently into your spotlight, knowing your message holds value and deserves to be heard

👉🏼 Create boundaries around your time and energy so you stop spinning your wheels or feeling too exposed and vulnerable

👉🏼 Stop caring what other people think about your story, voice or content

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